Ajax Development—Crown Jewel in Web Evolution Part 3

21/06/2013 11:23

In previous parts, we have seen that Ajax is the technology that enables us to run process behind the seen without distracting user experiences and load required content without reloading the entire page. These days are of user experiences therefore, each client put stress on the usability and user experiences. In due course, Ajax can help us to make interactions of users with website or web application more responsive and smooth. Website developer can takes new route to happen things behind the curtain.


When we are going to data driven website development or web application programming we have to take help of Ajax at each level to refresh the data in real time without any distraction. With Ajax, we can change the age-old perception of the web users that they would have to spend some moments once they click any button on the site or application. With Ajax development, everything is in no time, instantly.Ajax web development 


There is a good trick to get notice of the real-time changes with Ajax and that is Yellow Fade. Here data changes are not simply take place but the background color of the field is fading for a moment and return to normal when data is updated of the field. This way user can know that something new has arrived on the screen.


The ultimate benefit of the Ajax web development is reduce the load on clients as well as server, of course, bandwidth saving is in bonus. With Ajax enable application or website, data communication takes place in real time without page reload so server-client interaction takes place at low level, though frequently. Thus, Ajax is server and client friendly.


There are various tools and technologies that empowers website programmer to create Ajax enable applications. JavaScript is the most important technology or scripting that can glue the various parts of an Ajax application and hold them in a bundle while transactions between server and clients take place. The obvious role of JavaScript is to act as a conduit to move data from the user interfaces (UI) to server and vice verso. Here XMLHttpRequest object is carrying data over HTTP and data infusion into webpage takes place by use of DOM.


About Author:

Shoaib Marfatiya is a wordsmith with a knack in technical content writing and SEO content writing. There are plenty of content on his credit like articles, blogs, press release, etc. and all written at SEO point of view and keeping readers in mind.